Land regulation includes arrangements made to optimize the physical characteristics of agricultural lands and plan their use. These regulations target goals such as water management, erosion control, supporting plant growth and saving energy.

2. The Role of Waterways and Canals

Water management is of vital importance in agricultural lands. Waterways and canals are used to collect, store and effectively use rainfall water. In this way, water waste is prevented and the amount of water needed by the plants is provided at an optimal level.

3. Slope Control and Soil Erosion Prevention

Slope control is important to prevent soil erosion, especially in hilly terrain. Various methods are used to prevent rapid water flow in steeply sloped areas, reduce soil loss and increase agricultural productivity. Techniques such as terrasering, sedimentation ponds and windbreaks can be evaluated in this context.

4. Energy Efficiency and Machine-Friendly Designs

Landscape landscaping is not limited to water management and erosion control. It also includes regulations for the effective use of agricultural machinery. Machine-friendly designs and appropriate land management can reduce operating costs by increasing energy efficiency.

5. Habitats that Support Biodiversity

Landscaping provides the opportunity to protect and recreate natural habitats to support biodiversity on agricultural lands. Creating suitable environments for wildlife contributes to the maintenance of ecosystem balance.